Thursday, December 21, 2006

Slipper For Flat Foot

now just 5 days until departure for KejtPAX

... naklulam what Kisi cabbage in my room because I need to puncture the air in order to deliver it which supposedly helps ukiszeniu .... then namoczylam bacalhau ... and now it looks like my segmencik kingdom housekeeper ... housekeeper Mela this year is preparing itself eve ... no not alone ... because with the new colleagues ... but without a mother .... Mom is always thinking what to buy and cook the odd years and I think about me! and so I just took place on the purchase of food products for Christmas .... and I will cook Bacalhau com Todos, how I like new challenges and new experiences and adventures and surprising situations and the great unknown ..... bet you most of what it reads .. if someone is wogole reads ... does not know or Not really knows what it bacalhau ... So let me explain the Bacalhau is the Portuguese-invention ... Cod dried in the sun and salt .... Portuguese fishermen started to catch cod off the coast of Newfoundland, already several years after the discovery of America by Columbus and learned to cure it at sea so that does not break down in August wczasie long way home ... Someone once said to the Portuguese live dreams and salted cod .... that dreams do not know ... I know one Romance True ;).... salted cod but it will certainly live ..... at the beginning of this huge platinum cured me terrified and loathed them closer, not to mention a touching .... and today I made swa-aversion to salt cod obskrobujac it carefully with salt and kruszynek doing him a place in my Kuchnio-lazienko-hall so as neatly wymoczyl ... and now I will take care of him-what will obiawialo amending the water in order to Sunday completely ceased to be salty ... and that I could use it to cook Christmas Eve, traditional Portuguese food, which they are in every home by way of Portuguese, such as we eat carp on Christmas Eve ... I mean, we eat carp ... and the Portuguese eat "bacalhau com todos "... what the exact mean-ellipsis August Bacalhau with everything .... and everything: potatoes, onions, marchiefka, turnips, cabbage and eggs .... no, and how could we in portugal this year on Christmas Eve we do not eat carp ... and bacalhau com todos:) and many other things such as salad rzeczjasna wielowarzywan without which holidays would not be the same size, the fish in Greek, red soup filled with cabbage ..... ohhh I'm agitated all that far ....... I like to take a new experience .. and this will, indeed, no cooking bacalhau .. and everything to prepare for this whole Christmas dinner and how shall I live through the organizing committee is still more than the mere mortals who do not have to think about how many carrots buy and how much flour to wylepu Dumplings ... and in addition no further Kish cabbage for the first time in my life .. which in itself is exciting and puts a little pressure ... Iten no cod ... no, and considering that I'm spazzing with redoubled force, means more than every statistic is a citizen of the earth ..... come to the conclusion that I have a right to be embarrassed .... even I do not have such an appetite as usual, I only have big ....
... but the atmosphere of the coming world is still faintly perceptible ... at least it's holy tree in the park with blooming white roses ... yellow leaves on the trees are too weakly holy and green grass .... isnieg Christmas but it is not here .... Continente is festively that is our favorite commercial cetrumie ... as soon as they enter the ears sense holy melodies ... there loads of Christmas trees glowing Santa Clauses Chain router and the whole rest of outright screaming bajer-HEY! !.... HOLY IDA I must say honestly, without ksztyny here lies with the Continent sparwa naparwde centrumy liked shopping ... because he has the charm of such a secretive, whom I am not even able to determine and define .. It is just something that until one wishes to go out ... Be also the cinema ... and where to go ...

it was only Friday .... Saturday ... Sunday .... Monday ... Tuesday ... iii! Wednesday .... iiii .... 'm flying to KejtPAXA !!!!!!


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