Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12th Birthday Sayings

ogarla freshness ...

... Then how nice the morning to go out .... I love the cold winter air which is attacking me at the door ... but this is the most friendly form of attack .. Hands-desired, rzeklabym ..... no, and it is worth noting that the Portuguese cold winter air in comparison with our mother falls quite pale, considering the degree mroznosci angle, and can be determined as-coolness ..... So no pink chloedek is the best in its form, like a fresh breeze ... chodek blows and there is no zmuly ... and that its freshness attacked me in. I feel ... would say outright-absorbs ... passes as if I was clear for chodku .... freshness and becomes part of me and I becomes part of the freshness .... coexists with her and together they fill the world with her ... and the colors become more saturated and the contours more distinct ... and everything is fresh .... not as fresh rolls, fresh rolls because they are warm and soft and muddy .... rather like icefresh-mint gum .... or a cold drink with fresh mint ... Or candy ajsy sporzywane somewhere on top of snow .... and as the wind on the sea ... and how the cold mineral what I drink sitting in a stuffy library, and she reminds me of the penetrating coolness which attacked me this morning ..... achhh as I like the winter


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