Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Verses For Housewarming Invitations

Monday / Tuesday for travel

What is the patient's health status?-Mon asked on Wednesday morning, with health concerns Stanleja that a few days to treat him playfully.
better, although niezadobrze replied the patient.
Mon morning coffee as hot, underneath Corano. Reigned in the apartment of its crisp flavor, pomógłszy get up and Stanlejowi Dorin. Kris to get out of the need masarzu Mon.
Kris, Mon, Dorin and Stanl on Monday night, they reached the town of Ika. Immediately launched a fairly eagerly seeking accommodation. Encountered at the same time a lot of gray heads, which formally denied them the basic good of lying while in the eyes of the non-availability. Well, there was no such absence at all, which was clear and unmistakable to all smart and observant. Luckily they came to the Croat, who was kind and symatyczny and looked at the gypsy, as he proved in the signet ring finger. In addition, this Cyganchorwat spent 35 years in Poland, turning left businesses so acquired a cottage by the sea with two apartments for rent, which they eagerly rented apartments for 100 euros for two nights.
Kris, Mon, Dorin and Stanely logged in apartments, they went to town on the consumption of food. They had no choice in the matter choice of dining options, so they went to one in the area and there crafty Croats naciągnęli them money, is not worth too much to say, it raises the unpleasant emotions in four of them.
thing worth mentioning is responsible for this picture hanging in the apartment with Kris and Mon demonic woman among the Croatian embroidery, which, instead of proteins, and the pupils had red eyes, and everything was enveloped in black folklore.
apartments were familiar but without heating. A night in Croatia and is already cool. Fortunately, they live together, Mona Kris, Dorin Stanleja and were able to keep warm at night, so they could more heat.
After the first cold night in the suites at Ika amazed by their beautiful sunny day which they spent on a trip to Pula, located in the south of Istria. The only meal they had finished what he was toast in Pula, who ate Stanley, because he was Stanl starveling and is the largest among them.
in Pula in the south have enjoyed some sunbathing on the beach, sea bathing does not have enjoyed since the water was too cold and the stones they tease them in the foot.
this evening - opted out of trip to the restaurant, and ate spaghetti FOR IN Stanleja prepared in advance. Delicious it hey! that licking your fingers! that the mere mention of tightening my jaw.
After that day came Wednesday full of new adventures, which in the morning did not yet know. Kris, Dorin and Stanl gave up early everyday operations, and the story was written while in the garden at the table.
for a few moments, shed a tear saying goodbye to the host, who gave them goodbye from the collections of his collection. Indeed, it collecting antiques and other old things that accumulate everywhere in the garden, on windowsills, on the mantelpiece, on the curb ... present and he liked them recount stories of their capture. Every thing he knew personally, and each had a unique value for him. It was a fantastic man. It is fantastic.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Pleurisy Twice


long ago there was no entry. Imposed on a few facts. First, generally does not introduce any changes to the site, and continuous almost identical entries to update the stores were not meeting the goal. Second, the abandonment of support for the blogger to publish your blog via FTP. And the third time, which was lacking for the implementation of migration and the desire for the reason stated in the previous point.

found that about shop updates and minor maintenance intervals I wrote the profile facebookowym . The formula "the board" seems to me to this more relevant.

As I mentioned on facebook, I decided some time ago prescribe a system for indexing range of shops. Plaintiffs were at least a few. The most important is poorly written code in the beginning, is now slowly beginning to take revenge on me. What this means for users of the site? Visually, not much, but in the future will be easier for me to add more stores. Major change affected shop owners, whose indexes. The system is much wiser, has been optimized network communication, so that in one case managed to reduce the traffic from the 2 giga bytes (sic) to 280 mega bytes.

In the last six months I managed to also develop a mechanism to update the database without having to stop work site. Which should increase a little comfort of use. I decided also to a particular version control system (finally), which will easier to manage changes in the project.

That's it ... nice search.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Long Does Temazipan Take To Work

j est Monday morning - said Stanley - time move in a way.
spent the night in a hostel in Brno - the city paved with an insufficient amount of greenery, which prevented one more and another less.
winter is approaching the century, feel it in the air right now, in the second half of September.
the previous day which was Sunday underwent 570 km from Warsaw to Brno. thought - niewiadomoczemu - that Brno is the relatively small Czech town. Meanwhile, it turned out that a big city, where both ride buses, trolleys and trams.
glad that Sun and Dorin booked accommodation.
because they do not eat hot meals throughout the day, they went to the center for food more than the cognitive. both one and the second have been achieved as a result.
found that Brno is a pleasant city, and everything would be perfect if not for cold weather prevails this evening in this of the Czech Republic ... do not know what the weather was in another part.
ended up with an unpleasant restaurant waiter, where he ate great food greedily sipping local breweries. paid 36 euros which equates to 799 Czech crowns and returned to the hostel, and the frosty air severely łechtało their nostrils and the kidneys.
after successful for Kris and Sat nights (for Dorin and Stanley are not very, which quickly became the standard), ate breakfast, food podkradając neighbors unconsciously. Stanley then said that it is Monday morning and time moves on the road so they moved.

Baby Email Alisan Omerbasic

travel novel with an introduction to the novel

instead olexkluziv wyreklamowanego resort to some of the sun in the package went to the car driving on the coast of the country until recently męczonego by war ... saw no signs of war, just pretty equal to the road surface of the sea almost continuously, waves of mountains on the islands near the mainland and away, the narrow streets of small and large cities with powywieszanym right over the heads of passing money, light plaster, delicious food and nice quite ordinary people .. . Dorin and stanley, kris, and mon, mountains and sea, squid and karlovacko ... the same sets of extremely successful.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Money Contribution Letter

I made a card for 16th birthday, my older Corcia. She wanted a piece of subdued colors. So I decided on a soft green color with white and brown accessories. The effect here.

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And so it looks like it means:

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Queen Of The Hive Full Doujin

Sticky on Bożenarodzenie

szybciutkie Such cards, the ready-made pieces, bought the paper. The colors are a little more subtle, but the camera I have what I have. Especially the one with sheep I really like it.

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And at the end of a card made by Ania:

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Ines Cudna Ewa Sonnet Milk

Something for daughters

I made two cards.

's card for Ani.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

And the second birthday for Agatki:

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American Macromastia Boobs

memories of Easter memories of the December

really long time I did nothing skrapowego. I just do not have time - or otherwise - other things are much more important.

the other hand, beautifully crafted series of scrapbooking things captivate me. And some women can do these beauties, that up is breathtaking. On the right are links to people whose work enchanted me. These numbers do not mean the occupied space, but the day of the month in which I allow myself to watching the blog. In truth there is so much beautiful work done that if I could, it oglądałabym them all the time, so little had to be reduced.

Recently, I discovered that it's time to start doing Christmas cards. Like the holidays a little, but my total patch, or I'll start now, maybe a few pages I can do it, or jump out of the post office and buy a ready-made. A few weeks ago, I bought a very nice silver sticker, so the two bamboo cards wymajstrować I was able to rather quickly. All in dark blue. But I prepare it for another color.

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A single at the end of a card made by my almost 12-year-old daughter.

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Cost Of Concrete Slab For Basketball Court

I took to be making Easter cards. Somehow annoyed me all the bunnies and chicks on cards and other gadgets. Denerwowałyby Perhaps I am less were it not that I completely mastered our perception of Easter. If it were just a nice ornament this holiday. But unfortunately it is not. Wherever I turn he sees a chicken or rabbit, but he forgets what comes in this world that forgets that this is the God-man died on the cross and was resurrected as a human being.

In any case, I took to be making cards and I promised myself, no, even the most sweet bunny. Wymodziłam a few simple cards, and here they are.

And remove the tag looks like this. (Colors from the bottom rather photograph). It is a pity that the picture you can see so little cool texture of this green paper.

Another card, this was my attempt at taming the blue. It is nice, but it's probably something is wrong and I think it's something that's color. Sometime this winter, (

Three more cards, then back to green, which seems to me more Appropriate for the occasion.

Difference Between Palma And Regular Cigars

Another birthday card a card

went forward and then two more cards wymodziłam pocket and tag. Both in the same style.

's blue card for my mom to celebrate name day. It is a little more blue than the picture. I did it at night (and a picture of course), and in the morning I had already send it. Well, too bad I did not have silver letters, much more to fit. On the back of the tag, is the place to enter more personal wishes.

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This Karteluszka
liked my Corcia and asked me did the same for her friends. This time I took to be brown and so it came out:

And on the back of each of them look like this:

Veronica Moser And Friends.com

my mother my husband did a birthday note in the set. Thick Model okleiłam the front and back, creating a pocket to which the tag slipped her wishes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where To Host A Baby Shower In Pittsburgh

Synchronization and new stores


long time I did not write anything that does not mean that the project was abandoned. During the penultimate update which nothing interesting has therefore not created for its entry. From today, the search engine indexes the two new stores: Section 6mm and Jarmix Militaria. However IronbroAsg shop turned into a Defcon (or at least the domain has been przepięta). So far that's it. Enjoy


Monday, January 4, 2010

Can A 7 Year Old Dog Have A Siezure?


all users in the new year 2010. After a momentary technical issues managed to synchronize the data from the shops and search engine. The upgrade went off-planet paintball shop, because while working bot indexing (and probably at the moment) it has no current data about products. I hope that he does not share the fate of the store cog ... Happy searching