I'll add more of these pictures of course, performed the same in person ..... I'll be here, moreover, rather Site the only and only your photos .... but not for good, swears he never does anything wiadmo ...... So no footgrafie posted below were established in a sunny day where we went Tomarze, and to regale our eyes and souls of the monastery, the Convento de Cristo ... .... another charming spot in my way of life ..... and I went there to look at this monastery style manuelinskiego ... i found !!...... mogalbym not here not to mention Manueline style ..... primo, first because he just said ... in fact it should write and we can assume that I am in the ... but it is far-fetched road :)......-writes so well about the style of work in this Manueline convento of the subject-the history of Portuguese architecture itself-who of their own free will and as a result I went deep interest and is the most pleasant subject here I've frequented ... (and if it comes to attendance is the only )........ a primo-second I could not just not mention the style Manueline because I met him since he is a part of me just like any other type styles Gothic or secession ...... and the style is the one whose manuelisnki not meet anywhere Elsewhere in the world because it is a product typically Portuguese ... and was created at the time of greatest glory, when Portugal was a rich and revealing the world ..... at the time when Vasco da Gamma flowed over curry to India ...... when he blazed new trails and to dispatch to new lands .... and those of his acts very inspired creators ... artists ..... because they saw the rest of the world is in color and is in addition to wyciagbniecie hand ... and it has opened their minds and are willing to conclude that in his work ...... and began to create .... and ..... it very rozszaleli and carved ... and carving .... sea \u200b\u200bmonsters-both existing type of octopus-octopus ... and completely imaginary, twisted rope, shells, hooks, belts ....... I compared this phenomenon to that which happens to me as he meets something new .... for example, as I was fascinated by Indian culture that I wanted to possess Indian fabrics in colors .... or even I would like to wear such a garment worn by women and by hinuskie to express their fascination with ..... I think that the Portuguese-style Manueline expressed their fascination with the world exactly .... in time to discover who was more vast and interesting .... because as we explore new lands and cultures makes our experiences more interesting ..... and significantly influences the perception of the world in general ....... gdyzby might want to put a style Manueline specifically in time ... in the chronological order in relation to other styles it is a late Gothic ... 16 years old ..... Manueline style is not nothing new has created an innovative design with a specific structure remained Gothic-..... characterized by adding details, decoration, decorative .... and not proper here not join windows manuelinskiego photography, the best example Manueline Apparently dekoracjii in Portugal, with a famous enough to be on the list seven wonders of the Portuguese world which you prepare rumors came mixture .......
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