Monday, April 25, 2011

How Many Computer Can I Use Phoenix Sim

Bmx Jam Trailer

Whats up! When you throw a little slack to watch the trailer Addiction BMX Jam from SOONProduction . The premiere will be held on May 28, but more about that in his time. Many thanks to Jamaja , sponsors - AveBmx , Arriba and Elmaru Wear, Club Coffein for good after;) and of course a great pawn for all present at the pit, and all the people who have a greater or lesser extent, contributed to the organization. Elooo!

ADDICTION BMX JAM (trailer) from SOONProduction he Vimeo.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Cheat On Gb4iphone


Nitechka finished color, zblokowałam in hot water, scrolls (oh it was the scroll) and I took up the wires. Well, it turned out that it is rather Niteczka cord, stiff and uncomfortable, and this all the time the turns. I guess the joy that is thin Niteczka blinded me and I did not notice that I turned too hard. So now .... Turn-probably no spinner in the world do not robiła.Ale hard, maybe Niteczka softened. And if it happened to me while loosening every now and then tears.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Congratulatory Letter Pastor Anniversary

Young Chill edit

nice new video from Young from Zamosc! Check it! :)

Chill edit from Young on Vimeo .

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diagrams Of Genital Herpes

few photos from Suszczena. Addiction

Suszczen sent in some pics of the last ride for street use. Unfortunately the session was quite a serious injury and is disqualified from driving for the next few months. We wish you speedy recovery Suszczen!

Rope Jumping Patty Cake


WIP moves forward. I feel that my spindle is getting heavier.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Beautiful Agony Free Cliips

spin again

took me back to spinning. I've bought a new tops with colorful English sheep ("Honestly, I do not know what is such)

and I intend to make a rainbow one thread. And then I was sure for her project, but for now it First ...

also streamlined my spindle, "install" to the CD.

spun wonderfully. Yarn is thin, it is true, unfortunately, not quite equal, but still comes out "almost equal" and thin - which is the ambition of every novice Spinners. Do not know if it's thanks to the improvement of that skill Spinners (or my), or other wool, and finally spindle, but it is not important. It is important that it is nice and probably nice.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Do You Cite The Cover Of A Book

Bmx Jam - preview + poster on Arriby

Announcing Addiction Bmx Jam + poster on Arriby.

promote and publicize Jam:

Addiction Jam Preview - April 16, Biala Podlaska! from AddictionBmx he Vimeo.

Beach Buggy 12vwiring Diagram

Popek returns to the team! Addiction

After more than a month away, Popek decided to continue driving, and then returns to the team Addiction:) Like the rest teamowych riders, will also appear on the next cavity, April 16! Elooo!

Can I Get Herpes From A Razor?

scarves and scarf

did quite quickly this cream scarf. It is not too large, for it is very soft and yet ... to set aside time for a little warmer.

Right after I took it as a scarf, for my younger daughter. It is with a very thin black mohair, and I did it on drugach no. 5. Corcia did not want to scarves, or any model, because it's so ... babciowate;)

Scarves went długaśny, soft. It will be useful in the same time when it's autumn.
Corcia For the second I took to be a scarf from the same moherku. She very pretty and quite large.

And here in comparison with the cream - and wool weight was the same.

Making scarves I like very much. I guess I fell into a phase and I knit, and later handing out Christmas gifts.
And for now I dream of a return to spinning, to do any of this "wild and crazy" thread - whatever that means.

Friday, April 1, 2011

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Bmx Jam! Sharp

Whats up! We invite everyone to Addiction Bmx Jam! Below a poster with all the info about the event. Any changes or new information will be kept posted on the blog, so I encourage you to visit, and if anyone has any questions, feel free to beat the mail! ;) Elooo!