I made a card for 16th birthday, my older Corcia. She wanted a piece of subdued colors. So I decided on a soft green color with white and brown accessories. The effect here.
I made a card for 16th birthday, my older Corcia. She wanted a piece of subdued colors. So I decided on a soft green color with white and brown accessories. The effect here.
szybciutkie Such cards, the ready-made pieces, bought the paper. The colors are a little more subtle, but the camera I have what I have. Especially the one with sheep I really like it.
And at the end of a card made by Ania:
I made two cards.
's card for Ani.
really long time I did nothing skrapowego. I just do not have time - or otherwise - other things are much more important.
the other hand, beautifully crafted series of scrapbooking things captivate me. And some women can do these beauties, that up is breathtaking. On the right are links to people whose work enchanted me. These numbers do not mean the occupied space, but the day of the month in which I allow myself to watching the blog. In truth there is so much beautiful work done that if I could, it oglądałabym them all the time, so little had to be reduced.
Recently, I discovered that it's time to start doing Christmas cards. Like the holidays a little, but my total patch, or I'll start now, maybe a few pages I can do it, or jump out of the post office and buy a ready-made. A few weeks ago, I bought a very nice silver sticker, so the two bamboo cards wymajstrować I was able to rather quickly. All in dark blue. But I prepare it for another color.
A single at the end of a card made by my almost 12-year-old daughter.
And remove the tag looks like this. (Colors from the bottom rather photograph). It is a pity that the picture you can see so little cool texture of this green paper.
Another card, this was my attempt at taming the blue. It is nice, but it's probably something is wrong and I think it's something that's color. Sometime this winter, (
Three more cards, then back to green, which seems to me more Appropriate for the occasion.went forward and then two more cards wymodziłam pocket and tag. Both in the same style.
's blue card for my mom to celebrate name day. It is a little more blue than the picture. I did it at night (and a picture of course), and in the morning I had already send it. Well, too bad I did not have silver letters, much more to fit. On the back of the tag, is the place to enter more personal wishes.
And on the back of each of them look like this:
my mother my husband did a birthday note in the set. Thick Model okleiłam the front and back, creating a pocket to which the tag slipped her wishes.