Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skystar 2 Unlock Channels

Decoupage workshops on November 21 at 17.00


Welcome to the second workshop decoupage November 21, 2009 at 17:00 in Stokłosy dk. Number of places is limited - registration under mail or, alternatively, by calling 1964 502 64 48 (but we prefer e-mail records.) We welcome all those who are still at our workshop were not!


Black Pants Black Tie Blue Shirt

Welcome to our new site:

Welcome to our new website

Now there we will publish all the information about new initiatives!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Harlem Globetrotter Pinball Insert

Sync synchronization and changes in the search


beyond normal data synchronization little has changed on the site. The database have been added two new stores:
  • Casg - large amount of equipment in color and not only the coyote (thanks to Michael for the link to this site),
  • Azteko - some of the replicas and gearboxów;
the homepage hit statistics with interesting facts about the last synchronization. Unlike the "herring" in the search settings you can disable them. We also changed the links and sign in search results. Clicking on the name product, it will redirect to its details, while the stamp "[>]" redirect to the page at the right store. Site with details of the product has also been improved. From now on you can see when the last time the product was in stock at the store and see on the chart the history of its availability. Was also slightly changed the algorithm searches for similar objects, inter alia, through the use of dynamic detection of manufacturers for the products. Fixed also a couple of smaller bugs.

That's it ... please write if you notice any bugs, or with information which can be further improved in the portal. Enjoy
