Thursday, November 27, 2008

Value Of Mark Martin Valvoline Jacket

decoupage - Christmas edition - December 2008

In this way we completed another year of initiatives neighborhood. Please watch for the next already at the beginning of next year - likely to be a decoupage workshop again, because we already have a long waiting list:) We are very pleased with the activities are profitable and acceptable to so many people.
Last year's classes were held in the mood Christmas, because we did a beautiful baubles and bozo natal pads drinks. Both organizers and participants were amazed by the beauty of creation and created works of art! Below we present, as usual, a few pics. And on that's colorful occasion, we wish all our neighbors, near and far, happy, peaceful, precious holidays and the same positive breakthroughs in the New Year. I see you in 2009:)!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny Dental Hygienist Sayings

decoupage workshops - October 2008

ozdabialiśmy chusteczniki this time. They proved to be extremely grateful for the decoration of an object;) all went perfectly! Below we present the evidence in the form of photos:) Regards, soon about the next event, which will probably take place in the first half of December. Regards:) Neighbours:)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kate Ground Speaks Out About Hoof

returned from a trip!

... I was not a little ... Only moments .... but I came back, he came to fall ... not even I could see it coming, suddenly appeared one day and it was a Friday which came after a sunny Thursday ... and on Friday it was Saturday and it was then that white guy terrified me in broad daylight ...

had white skin, white hair and white trousers stained with blood ... and showed aggression as an advanced tram doors closed on every bus stop right in front of his nose. The white man versus white on frightened me cruelly.

Worst Such are the white days, he beats them ... better than mediocre blandness whiteness is a terrible slob, gloomy gray, cimnosc frightening, and even the rain and gale too ... because they are in themselves some definite concrete ... and the vagueness is that if nothing was ...

That day is not protected the me before it even my zaslono-red curtains, which are inherently antybiale ... are like two guards protects me from the whiteness ... May the task of scattering of white light and it is not geared to my room ... and on that day Whiteness was so intrusive and strong with them ... even defeated. Not to mention me because I was defeated, even without joining the fight ...

and everything came back because he felt that the return can save me from the whiteness and frightening:)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Average Pant Size Of Women In America

Grill, grill and the grill!

Below you can see pictures of great barbecue, which took place on 15 June. Both the weather was good and the company, and everyone can find something for everyone: it was, and Tea for głodomorów and soap bubbles for children and sun and shade for zmarźluchów for welded and topics to talk to the social space and to leave aside and enjoy the course of events for those do not like to shred free language;) In short we are very pleased with the entire event! Now the holiday break. We hope that the barbecue in September to start the season will be equally successful. We wish you all a pleasant holiday. Despite the fact that in the summer, the device events, you can always write to us with ideas and insights. So ... we will be in touch! See, * Neighbors :))))

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Have A Warrant, Can I Renew My License

decoupage workshop - April & May 2008

Below you can see a brief photo essay of the last two events. Both the second and third edition decoupage workshops were held at the maximum number of participants! Thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement. We are thinking now of organizing a similar workshop next after the holidays. You will find information on this website or in your mailbox - if you enroll for our list. To the mailing list can also add at any time by writing to the e-mails are at the top of the page. Also write about your impressions of previous events - what to keep, what to improve, and the most interesting initiatives in which the neighborhood would like to take part. We want our actions to create together with you!

* Before the holidays we plan to have a barbecue grill area adjacent to the forest Powsin Kabacki, June 15 at 15.00. Be our guests!
Greetings, neighbors)